Here at MealFinds, we believe finding food that meets your ever-changing needs should be easy. We help you, our users, discover and compare meal, food, and beverage delivery services to find exactly what you are looking for.
MealFinds has your answer.
We research new food and beverage services and bring you all the details in one place, making it easy to find that next great meal/snack/drink you and your family will love. You can discover new meal options through a convenient Meal Matcher tool, easy to use filters, detailed company pages, meal service reviews, exclusive coupons, and weekly menus.
Discover dinner and more.
MealFinds, like so many other things, was born out of a need. I love meal kits but was wasting time searching for meal delivery services that may or may not meet the requirements of my family. I would stumble across ads on Facebook hoping an exciting new company would target me or try to compare weekly menus by going to 5 or 6 of my favorite meal kit websites every single week. It was frustrating how much time this was taking and inconvenient to hunt down information from so many different sources, all with their own unique options.
I found myself wishing there was one place where I could easily discover, research, and compare services based on the specific needs of my family.
So, I decided to meet the need. I combined my passion for meal kits with my digital marketing background and set out to create: MealFinds.
Founder, MealFinds